Monday, March 21, 2011

Protecting Your Skin From The Sun: 5 Ways To Prevent Skin Cancer

5 easy steps can prevent your chance of developing skin cancer.

The possibility of developing skin cancer is something that everyone must face, especially those that work outdoors or have relatively pale skin. The bad news about skin cancer is that it can be fatal. The good news is that if caught early, it is entirely treatable.

What follows are five steps that you can take to greatly reduce your chances of developing skin cancer:

1) Wear sun block
This is the most obvious and most important way to combat skin cancer. When you are going to be outside, put sun block of at least SPF 15 wherever you will be exposed to the sun. If you are going to be swimming or sweating, remember to reapply regularly.

2) Put on a hat
Hats are another great way to reduce exposure to the sun. Especially for balding men, a hat can reduce exposure to the sun in places where it is difficult or messy to apply sun block. LArge straw hats are especially good for keeping the sun off of your head, face, and shoulders.

3) Watch out for moles
A mole that changes size or shape is often a warning sign of skin cancer. Keep vigilant observations of your moles to make sure that they are not changing size or shape. If you do notice any changes, be sure to see a dermatologist immediately.

4) Look out for any skin irregularities
Skin irregularities, especially bumps, should be watched for always. Have a friend or spouse look for such irregularities on your neck and back where you cannot see them. If any irregularity is found, see your dermatologist immediately.

5) Don't let your guard down on cloudy days
Did you know that you can get sunburned even on the cloudiest of days? Harmful rays can penetrate the clouds and bring cancer to your skin even when you cannot see the sun because of many clouds. Do not let your guard down by forgetting sun screen or appropriate coverings on days when the sun is not out.

Follow these steps and you'll greatly reduce your chances of skin cancer. Live healthy!


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